Highly efficient DNA removal in Viral Vector Manufacturing

In this presentation we will show you how we used our proprietary engineering platform ENESYZ® for the development of DENARASE® High Salt and provide more application details for this new enzyme.
Key Learnings:
• Enzyme engineering at c-LEcta: ENESYZ® Technology Platform
• How to improve efficiency of viral vector manufacturing at elevated salt concentrations
• The benefits of DENARASE High Salt® for DNA removal
Recombinantly produced Serratia marcescens endonucleases such as DENARASE® and Benzonase® are commonly applied for DNA removal in bioprocessing. The enzymes are used for degradation of host-derived nucleic acids to reduce viscosity and prevent aggregate formation during cell lysis. Therefore, enzymatic DNA removal using endonucleases is a critical step in the production of viral vectors for cell and gene therapies. The characteristics of various viral vector types differ significantly, and the optimal manufacturing conditions do not always match with the optimal endonuclease conditions. It could be shown that higher salt concentrations can improve the solubility of viral vectors and thereby improve the overall process efficiency. However, the activity of Serratia marcescens endonucleases is inhibited at elevated salt concentrations which would require use of larger enzyme quantities. c-LEcta now introduces DENARASE® High Salt, a genetically engineered version of the Serratia marcescens endonuclease, which retains high activity at elevated salt concentrations.